Hey, y’all! If you like to read novels before their official release, then it’s a crazy-good time to be on the Apprentice Mage+ tiers of my Patreon.😄
Long story short, while I was drafting my latest, Monster Girl Tamer #1, my husband Jacob had a little break in his writing schedule and decided to fill it with … more writing. Which resulted in us collaborating on Blood Knight #1: Vampire Slayer.
And since a recent surgery* put me a little behind on posting Monster Girl Tamer, I opted to fill those days with the rejected draft of my next Titan Mage novel, Titan Mage Defender (along with commentary on why I rejected it 😮).
*No worries! It was a planned hysterectomy, and I’m well on my way to recovering.
All this to say, there’s now A TON of new stuff to be read over on the Patreon:
Per Patron request, I’ve also recently added some additional tiers, as well as some additional rewards like special coupon codes for select tiers, now that I have a direct shop! 😄
And don’t forget, everyone who signs up on the Arcane Index Mage Recruit+ tiers gets a Titan Mage sticker pack! 😃
If any of this makes you go HECK YEAH, just hop on over to my Patreon. 😊 We have a ton of fun over there!