Now that Titan Mage Apocalypse is out, I know y’all are saying “SURELY THIS CAN’T BE THE END OF TITAN MAGE!”
Don’t worry; it’s 100% not over. My husband and I structured the Titan Mage universe so that it could be explored infinitely if the first series took off – which, thanks to you awesome readers, it absolutely did. Which means you’ll be getting Titan Mage as long as people are still reading it.
When, you ask?
Well, that is an interesting question. See, my initial plan was to write Titan Mage Series 2 and release it starting in December. As mentioned in my previous What’s Next for Titan Mage? post, it will follow the crew of the Indigo Gryphon, elaborating on the adventures that are hinted at over the course of Titan Mage Series 1; once completed, it would then lead into Series 3, which would combine both casts and cover a new threat to Haven that’s hinted at in Titan Mage Apocalypse.
However, a complication has come up in the form of “A TRADITIONAL PUBLISHER IS INTERESTED IN TITAN MAGE SERIES 2!” 😲
It’s not a done deal yet; I have to submit my book proposal (which is mostly done) and the first few chapters (which I’m going to write now that Apocalypse is finished), and then there will be some back and forth between me and the publisher about changes they’ll want before they formally decide whether to pick it up or not.
If they don’t pick it up, no prob, I’ll just self-publish like I did with Series 1.
If they do pick it up, though, the publishing schedule gets slightly complicated. Traditional publishing moves at a much slower pace than indie publishing, which means you’ll be getting one Series 2 book a year (provided that it sells well enough to continue). And given that I’d planned for the Indigo Gryphon’s story to overlap Locke’s and lead into Series 3 … you can see how that affects the timeline.
However, I do have plans!
While the publisher will get right of first refusal for my future novels, I know there are some story types that are unviable for trad publishing but thrive in indie, and there are a number of things I can do with this. I’ve been tossing around concepts for several other series set in the Titan Mage universe: a harem slice-of-life series that follows Locke and the Blue Heron ladies right after [a spoiler], an action-adventure series about Lola and her Indexers, a more traditional romance series that tells spicy love stories from all over Haven, a sword-and-sorcery style series set soon after the fall of the Precursors, the list goes on! I’ve also tossed around the idea of writing a monster girl harem series set inside the Monster Punk Horizon world from my H.P. Holo pen name.
Long story short, you’ll still be getting new stuff from me in addition to the trad published novels, should Series 2 be picked up, albeit at the slower pace of 2-3 novels a year rather than 4.
But I won’t really know what my release schedule looks like until the proposal process is done, and trad publishing moves at its own pace.
So what am I going to do in the meantime?
Welp, first I’m going to take a dang nap. 😂 I’ve been writing nonstop (in addition to dealing with some family medical stuff) since the release of Titan Mage Ruin and I am ded. A well-earned vacation is in order, and I plan on spending some time chilling out, catching up on my reading, video games, and Gunpla, and generally recharging so I can jump into my next project at full capacity.
Because I am bad at vacations, I’ll very likely spend that time doodling on a Titan Mage novella to follow The Hot Springs Episode (since Sloan and Peth didn’t appear in that one). Once I get back to work, the same aforementioned publisher has also asked me to contribute a Titan Mage short story to an upcoming anthology, so that’s my next priority. After that, my H.P. Holo readers have been clamoring for the next book in the Monster Punk Horizon series, so MPH #4 will be my next official project. Hopefully, by the time that novel is done, the book proposal process will be finished and I’ll have a better idea of what the rest of my production schedule will look like.
Until then, the best ways to stay updated on what I’m up to are 1) my Patreon, 2) my newsletter, 3) my Twitter, and 4) my Facebook Page!
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